Lift course – FAQ

Is there a course requirement to use a lift?

Yes – in accordance with section 10 of the Regulations on the performance of work, use of work equipment and associated technical requirements, it is a requirement that persons who are to use a lift have received documented training. There must be documentation confirming that both practical and theoretical training has been completed in accordance with the regulations.

How long is a lift course certificate valid for?

The certificate of competence has no expiry date. Even though the certificate is valid for life, you must still assess for yourself whether you are fit to operate the lifter. If it has been a long time since you last used it, or if there have been near misses or actual accidents while you have been using the lifter, you should consider going through the training again.

Are there requirements for fall protection on lifts?

Personal fall protection is recommended on lifts. The employer, in cooperation with the operator, must take the necessary precautions and assess the risk and the need for the necessary safety equipment.

When working near or over water, an assessment of the risk must be made. Where the risk of drowning is greater than the risk of being injured by a fall, life jackets must be used, not fall protection equipment.

Is there an age limit for using the lift?

There is an age limit of 18 years to operate a lift. Operating a lift can be a complex task that requires considerable responsibility and skill.

Exceptions for school pupils and apprentices (with reservations). In such cases, there are requirements for their own risk assessment, a mentoring scheme, information to parents and guardians, and a logbook must be kept of the work, which in turn must be available to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority.

What lift classes are there?

The lift classes are divided into classes A, B and C.

Class A – Trailer-mounted lifts
Class B – Self-propelled lifts
Class C – Car-mounted lifts

Which lift classes does the course cover?

The theory part of the course covers classes A, B and C.

The classes you receive on your certificate of competence are determined by which classes you receive practical training in.

How strong the wind can be to use a lift safetly?

If the wind speed exceeds 12.5 m/sec, the lift should not be used. It is important to note that some machines may have a lower tolerance for wind. It is therefore recommended to read the manufacturer’s user manual to determine the maximum permissible wind force. It is also important to note that the wind can be stronger around the corners of buildings and other installations. It is important to avoid gusting winds.

Does the passenger need training?

The employer must carry out a risk assessment on the use of each lift in relation to the specific work operations. It is also the employer’s responsibility to ensure that everyone who participates in the lifting operation, even those who are only passengers, have received documented safety training if the risk assessment indicates that it is necessary. This risk assessment must be documented in writing in order to prove that it has actually been carried out, especially in the event of an accident.


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