Online courses and digital learning provide a flexible and efficient way to acquire knowledge. However, many of the courses also require practical training to meet regulatory requirements.
At Instant Kurs, we offer practical training for those who have completed our online courses. This ensures that participants not only master the theory, but also gain valuable experience with equipment and safety procedures. For example, those who have completed our online personal lift course can receive practical training in the use of an lift at one of our locations. We also offer practical training in fall protection, scaffolding and hot works.
What does the regulation say – and is a diploma for a completed course not enough?
The regulations are very clear that anyone using work equipment must have both practical and theoretical training. The training must provide knowledge of the requirements for safe use and operation set out in the regulations and instructions for use. In other words, a diploma from an online course is not enough. We use resources to quality assure both the theoretical and practical training of our trainees before we issue a certificate of competence. With us, you get a valid certificate of competence when the online course (theory) and practical training are documented.
So what are the practical training requirements and for which courses do they apply?
Scaffolding builder course (over 9 m): 6 months use of scaffolding in a company + 72 hours practical experience as a scaffolder.
Scaffolding course 2-9 m: 15 h of practical training
Scaffolding course 2-5 m: 7.5 hours of practical training
Fall protection course: practical training in use and safety
Personal lift course: practical training in use and safety
Dangerous hand tools: practical training in use and safety
Lifting equipment/strapping course: practical training in use and safety
Hot works: From 01.02.2024, the instructor for practical fire extinguishing exercises must be an approved instructor in the system or an employee of the fire service with expertise in conducting practical fire extinguishing exercises. Documentation of completed extinguishing exercises must be submitted no later than 3 months after completion of the course.
Who can provide the training?
You can either sign up for a practical course at one of our departments, an external company with expertise or it can be carried out in-house. The person providing the training must be competent for the task. We require that the person responsible for the practical training has at least completed a similar course beforehand. For example, if you are taking a course in scaffolding assembly 2-9 m, the person providing the training must have passed at least a similar course. The person providing the training must document and certify that the practical training has been completed.
We have set up regular course dates at our locations in Vestby (near Oslo) and Bergen. In addition, we collaborate with many companies to offer practical training throughout Norway.
By combining theory with practice, we provide thorough and comprehensive training that increases confidence in the workplace. Take a look at our calendar or get in touch for more information about our practical training programs.